"Ma iti ma rahi ra rapa te whai | Together we will achieve"
Do you suffer from gout?
How we can help
If you or a whanau member are having trouble getting your gout under control we have some support in place to help.
You can access the Whanganui Gout STOP Programme by talking to your health provider or your local pharmacist. It is a 3mth programme where you can access subsidised GP visits, and free education consults, uric acid testing and gout medication prescriptions (for those eligible) from your local pharmacist.
Gout can be managed through long term medication so that attacks are less frequent and severe and you are able to do all the things that matter to you, such as play sport, spend time with your whanau, go to work etc.
If you would like to know more contact our local Gout kaiawhina on 0800 GOUT STOP or 027 264 9914, or email mtua@wrhn.org.nz