"Ma iti ma rahi ra rapa te whai | Together we will achieve"
B4 School Check
Our Child Health team offer the B4 School Check (B4SC) to all tamariki (children) in the Whanganui region. This is a free health and development check for 4-year olds and is the last Well Child Tamariki Ora check. This check helps give your child the best start at school.
About the B4 School Check
It’s a good idea for your child to have their B4 School Check as soon as they turn 4. That leaves enough time for your child to get any help needed before they start school.
If your child has turned 4, they are due for their B4 School Check now. If you are yet to hear from your local B4SC provider, it’s important that you contact them to make a booking.
In the Whanganui rohe you can access a B4SC through your general practice team by making an appointment or you can phone the WRHN on 0800 775 001 to make an appointment with our B4SC team.
Alternatively you can complete the Referral Form at the bottom of this page.
Questionnaires About Your Child
At (or sometimes before) the check, you will be asked to fill out questionnaires about your child’s development and wellbeing. If your child goes to a preschool, kindergarten or Te Kōhanga Reo, they will also be asked about your child’s learning and development.

The Check
The nurse will:
check your child’s height and weight
check your child’s teeth
ask if your child has been immunised
ask you questions about your child’s learning and development and strengths and difficulties
ask you questions about your child’s health and wellbeing
provide you advice and support about your child’s health and development.
A vision and hearing technician will check your child can see and hear well. This may happen at a different time to the rest of your child’s B4 School Check
To book an appointment for your child’s B4 School check, call the Child Health Team on 0800 775 001 or contact your doctor or practice nurse.
Your Child's Results
You can get a copy of your child’s B4 School Check results. The nurse will also record your child’s growth and development in your child’s My Health Book.
The nurse will explain what happens to the information collected about your child during the check. This includes who will have access to the information and what will be shared with your child’s doctor, preschool, kindergarten or Te Kōhanga Reo, and the school your child will be going to.
Related Websites
Information about how your child learns and tips on how you can support their learning and prepare them for school.